Need financial help for college?
We source scholarships from tons of different organizations and share our favorites with you each week. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get weekly updates. We remove scholarships from this page when their deadline expires, so make sure that you grab the info before it disappears.
SkillPointe Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: Every Quarter
Award: $1,000
Description - Student must create an account with the SkillPoite Foundation (it's easy!). Every quarter, the SkillPointe Foundation awards scholarship grants of $1,000 to applicants from all backgrounds pursuing skills training for high-demand careers that don't require a four-year degree.
Home Depot Foundation's Path to Pro Scholarship for Women
Deadline: Monthly
Award: $4,000
Description - Student must sign up with a SkillPointe Account. Women of all backgrounds in any US state who are pursuing training for construction related skills that do not require a 4 year degree are eligible. Application required through link.
Big Future Career List Scholarship
Deadline: Awarded monthly until February of the student’s senior year. Drawings on the first day of every month.
Award: $500-$40,000 (Grand Prize)
Description - Class of 2025 students who save a list with three or more careers will earn entries into monthly drawings for $500 and $40,000. The earlier you start your list, the more chances you'll have at winning.
Exploring jobs that match your interests and skills will help you see options for your future and the education you’ll need to pursue those jobs. BigFuture includes information on over 1,000 careers along with a quiz to point you toward careers that match your interests.
How to qualify: Login to your College Board account, Take the Career Quiz, Search for careers on BigFuture, and add three or more careers to your list. Scholarship for Aggressive Scholarship Applicants
Deadline: every 2 months
Award: $500
Description: wants to award students just for applying to other scholarships. Students’ only requirements are to submit confirmation emails from other scholarships the student has applied to.
Netflix & Scholarships
Deadline: rolling monthly deadline, but the earlier the better
Award: $500
Description: This scholarship is a fun way to talk about your favorite shows! The student is required to complete a 400-600 word essay talking about their favorite Netflix show or movie and convince us why we should all go watch it!
UNCF Emergency Aid
Prize: Varies
Due: Open throughout the year
Scholarship Description - Eligibility and application processes vary on aid need
Tuition Scholarships & Reimbursements (Employers)
Apple - up to $5,250 per year
Best Buy - up to $3,500 per year
Chick-Fil-A - tuition discounts at 100+ universities across the US
Chipotle - cover 100% of tuition for select degrees, up to $5,250 per year for other programs
FedEx - up to $1,500 per year
Gap, Old Navy, & Banana Republic - up to $5,000 per year
Home Depot - up to $1,500 per year
KFC - up to $2,500 per year
McDonald’s - $2,500 per year
Starbucks - 100% of tuition covered for degrees through Arizona State’s online program
Taco Bell - up to $5,250 per year
T-Mobile - up to $2,500 per year
UPS - up to $5,250 per year
Version - up to $8,000 per year
Walmart - lowered tuition through partner universities
Other companies with tuition reimbursement programs:
AT&T, Capital One, Chevron, CVS, Lowe’s, Target, Amazon, Wells Fargo, and Disney
If you work at one of the listed companies, you may be able to receive financial aid or tuition reimbursement for attending post-secondary school. Click the link below for details.
$2,000 Nitro Scholarship
Deadline: (Monthly, last day of month)
Amount: $2,000
This scholarship program applies to any student in the US. The student must be currently enrolled as a senior in high school. The student or parent of the student can apply online or by mail. All that is required is submitting an application with the information provided on their website. Program continues until December 31, 2024.
Deadline: (Monthly, last day of month)
Amount: $2,000
The $2,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is an easy scholarship with no essay required! The scholarship can be used to cover tuition, housing, books, or any education-related expenses. The monthly winner will be determined by random drawing and then contacted directly and announced in Niche's e-newsletter and on the Scholarship Winners page. You can apply once each month, with a new winner selected every month.
Deadline: * Due date varies
Amount: $5,000
The applying student must be a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student at an accredited university (4-year university/college or junior college). The student must maintain a GPA of a 3.4-4.0. The student’s major or course of study must be relative to the transportation, travel, and tourism industry (see more below).
This program awards two scholarships of $5,000 to two students. The goal of this program is to expand the number of students entering the tourism, travel, and transportation industries. This field covers a wide variety of studies from accounting to hospitality. So, apply even if you think your major does not fit in the field. The student will have to provide an essay on how their major is relevant to the industry.
Deadline: Monthly
Amount: $1,000
Still need cash for college? LELA can help! Louisiana students who have completed their FAFSA and are graduating in the Class of 2024 are eligible to register monthly for the chance to win a $1,000 scholarship.
Deadline: varies
Amount: varies
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Home Depot's Path to Pro
Resources for students entering trade school